Friday 25 August 2017

What Mean About TGIF ?

Maybe some people will be asking what is that means TGIF ? Actually TGIF is means Thanks God It Friday so that short form is TGIF , this words always will be hear anywhere or write in handphone to send with friends or family . This also can be say last day for working before during relaxing that mind and off duty at Saturday and Sunday , so almost people will be happy when during Friday . So if think TGIF will be know that coming during weekend about it , many people will be happy when during Friday it . 

But that also can another means is Blessed Friday with hope more be better it then yesterday . Actually in 1 weeks Friday is can be say special day and will be feel excited about it , whatever just be have a nice moment everyday included Friday . Us also can called this TGIF is Together Growing In Faith , that is nice meaning for life too like to giving a hope in everything what be to do . 

Everyone will be waiting Friday evening because will got have a nice plan for it after last day working for every weeks it . Time for happy hour with friends at outside so that is called Friday Night Fever or bring family to dinning at outside , so this very great plan for every Friday . So what your plan when during every Friday ? Whatever that important enjoy yourself in this life with family and friends always ......

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Kanak-Kanak Jadi Mangsa Korban Di Gaza

Hi , saya kembali ke dunia blog ni setelah lama saya berehat di sini , sebenarnya tujuan saya kembali ke sini ialah tentang serangan Israel ...