That picture above it will be make mouthwatering about it , that is looking how delicious it . Whatever this cuisine is name Steam Salted Chicken and many people can be try make itself at home for family too , this menu looking is easy about it just be use wrapping for this chicken and pour bit salt about it and after that can be start to steam it . That also can be use chicken drumstick or whole chicken , when you after try this menu and will be give thumb up too and never disappointed about this cuisine . About this cuisine can order at outside any chinese restaurant too , because this cuisine is also looking popular it .
Whatever if want to saving baget can be make this cuisine at home and enjoy it with family at home , about me already many time got eat this cuisine when during schooltime and my mom make this cuisine at home for every weekends or public holiday , so I'm never disappointed with my mom cook style . Reminder once again at here about this cuisine , just be use wrapping for this chicken with pour bit salt and wrap it , finally is ready to steam it . So must be try this cuisine at home and after try this will be same idea like me will feel how delicious it and that is called " food paradise " about it too ....