Monday, 4 June 2018

Kim Hing Lee ( Donggongon )

Just now I'm and my wife taking breakfast at area Donggongon there , we find and stay one chinese kopitiam is looking old kopitiam at there and i'm see that signboard inside that kopitiam with write down about since in 1982 . That is my born date too and this mean this kopitiam already have 36 years at here , so no wonder this kopitiam is looking interior design is old fashion about tables and chairs about it . 

This kopitiam name is Kim Hing Lee and sell non-halal cuisine about it , that is looking many chinese people or non-muslim will be stay in this kopitiam for taking breakfast or lunch too . This kopitiam only sell soup noodle , meehoon and kuew teow . About dried is must be popular at there is a kon lau mian and must be to try it , so i'm order kon lau mian just and my wife order meehoon soup about it . 

About this kon lau mian maybe is looking simple but that can be make full it when need extra noodle about it , that maybe also bit expensive about it with price RM 12 when need extra noodle it , whatever i'm will be give a rated about this kon lau mian with 4 stars about it and that bacon meatball looking so fresh and  smooth about it and when to bite it that can be feel how delicious about that bacon meatball in this soup too , so that never make disappointed about try this bacon meatball , so can be bring family or friends to stay at here too . 

This also is nice destination for taking breakfast or lunch too , that also can be make to take away too . This is first time i'm and my wife stay in this kopitiam and taking breakfast at here too , however maybe will be come back again but hope that price must be bit cheaper coming soon it , about this kopitiam will be operation from 6.30 am to 03.00 pm . Finally is thanks about that food is looking fresh and delicious too , so who not yet try taking breakfast and lunch in this kopitiam , must be try bring family or friends to stay here ..... 

Kim Hing Lee 
Lot 5 , Jalan Penampang , 
Pekan Donggongon , 
88500 , Kota Kinabalu , 
Sabah . 

Tel : +60128125642

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Kanak-Kanak Jadi Mangsa Korban Di Gaza

Hi , saya kembali ke dunia blog ni setelah lama saya berehat di sini , sebenarnya tujuan saya kembali ke sini ialah tentang serangan Israel ...