Monday, 17 September 2018

My Wife Homecook Steam Drumstick With Different Recipes

How delicious my wife cook this steam drumstick about it at home , this also my favorite in my life about steam chicken or steam drumstick , she use own recipes for cook this steam drumstick . Normally about this steam drumstick is looking fragrance with Serai and no salt , so this very nice for health too . I`m here be give THUMB UP for my wife this home cooking , actually too she just use Maggie sauce and sesame oil for cook this steam drumstick and include Serai about it too , so about this menu is looking different then another it  . When i`m taste this and can be eat more rice about it , so that can be think how delicious about my wife this home cooking , she also got own recipe for another menu at home too that is Curry Chicken , so next time i`m will be blogging my wife another home cooking that is about Curry Chicken . Normally my wife is like cooking , so I`m looking she also got talent about cooking , whatever I`m here also will be always support my wife .

About She Curry Chicken recipe , I`m also will be blogging coming soon when she cook this menu  , that home cook also looking delicious it too because I`m already got try my wife recipe about this Curry Chicken . She also use own recipes for home cooking about this Curry Chicken , about this menu also looking different then outside about it , why I`m say like it ? because she have a secret recipe for cooking about this Curry Chicken , so whatever coming soon I`m will be blogging my wife this menu at here too . So I`m very lucky have a wife is a cooking talent too , so I`m here looking happy and thanks to my wife because cook for me at home .....

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Kanak-Kanak Jadi Mangsa Korban Di Gaza

Hi , saya kembali ke dunia blog ni setelah lama saya berehat di sini , sebenarnya tujuan saya kembali ke sini ialah tentang serangan Israel ...