Wednesday, 26 September 2018


Are you looking thristy ? Whatever Oktoberfest is back at here again and will be make your enjoy it with this beer festival , that is a good news for all drinkers at here because about this Oktoberfest will be looking more cheaper with any beer type and easy to say is happy hour without limit about it . If you is best drinker and this time with bring friends to enjoy it and time to relax after working hour about it too . Actually this Oktoberfest is held in Munich , Germany that is looking a popular festival at there about it too , about this festival also can making friends with close it and enjoy together in this beer festival .

About this Oktoberfest already start in this 22nd September until 7th October in every year about it too , that also is traditional festival in Munich . Whatever this festival now looking around the world for celebration this Oktoberfest , so don't be missed it to join this celebration with make a thristy gone about it . That is a time for make new friendship too in this festival .

Normally about this Oktobefest , all ladies will be wear custom traditional dresses in this festival and serve all people around this  place with bring a beer mug about it , their also will be looking joyful when serve all people in this festival too . So who travel in this end of month to Munich in Germany also will be get feel about this festival , so can feel how amazing about this Oktoberfest . That also got ready tent for all drinkers  in this festival , but also must be follow that rules about it when during in tent . Actually about this beer is also will be called " liquid gold " and how important in this Oktoberfest , so this is biggest fair in the Munich .....

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Kanak-Kanak Jadi Mangsa Korban Di Gaza

Hi , saya kembali ke dunia blog ni setelah lama saya berehat di sini , sebenarnya tujuan saya kembali ke sini ialah tentang serangan Israel ...