Saturday, 22 September 2018

Jelly Homemade Mooncake

This year I'm blogging again my sister homemade mooncake , this time she make different then last year . Can be see that picture above it , my sister homemade mooncake this year that is " Jelly Homemade Mooncake " about it and many different flavors about it too , so that will be make mouthwatering about it too . About my favorite about this homemade mooncake was be " Mango Flavor " because that fragrance with pure mango it , so I'm hope this year can be try my sister this homemade mooncake . About another flavors that is " chocolate " and " yam " so must be to try it this Jelly homemade mooncake . 

So I'm know that never be make disappointed about this homemade mooncake , what this must be keep in the refrigerator for cold always because that is jelly mooncake . If so cold about this Jelly mooncake will be nice to taste and feel like a dessert too , so for me seldom got try about jelly mooncake at outside there , so that jelly homemade mooncake looking excellent about it and looking will be people'choice about it . I'm also know my sister have a own regular customers to make order about this jelly homemade mooncake for celebration in this Monday coming soon it . 

Whatever I`m also celebrate about this mooncake festival too and will be looking more happening about it , for me this year looking will be more better and joyful in this festival . About me and my wife don`t have any special celebration in this mooncake festival except eating mooncake together with watching beautiful moon in the night for make celebration about it , so I'm Lanseikong at here wishing all chinese people at here " Happy Mooncake Festival "  with more joyful and happiness in this life .....

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Kanak-Kanak Jadi Mangsa Korban Di Gaza

Hi , saya kembali ke dunia blog ni setelah lama saya berehat di sini , sebenarnya tujuan saya kembali ke sini ialah tentang serangan Israel ...